About Digital Transformation Program provides a comprehensive interpretation of digital economy and thorough analysis on digital transformation in different industries, mainly focusing on developing digital economy mindsets of customer-centricity, altruism, inclusiveness, ecosystem, adaption to change, and data-driven, to enable global digital talents to access insights, skills and opportunities within the current and future digital era.
What’s in It for You
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What You Will Get

Participants who pass Digital Transformation Program are eligible to obtain the GDT Membership, becoming part of a global network of young people who have studied the digital economy.

As GDT Members, participants:
– Are continuously updated on the latest insights and trends in the digital economy.
– Can access entrepreneurship and business opportunities in the GDT ecosystem.
– Can join network events and conferences around the world.
– Are eligible to join in the GDT Digital Entrepreneurship program.

Price GDT-DT
Pecahan 01. Homepage-26 Great Western City UG Floor
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Km 2,7
Kebon Nanas, Panunggangan Utara, Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143
+62 21 50 835 035
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About GDT Program Contact Location Telephone whatsapp +62 811 900 8898 email alibaba.support@globaldigitaltalent.id